Novage Communication Pte Ltd

Referral Marketing Mistakes to Avoid During Your Campaigns

Referral Marketing Mistakes to Avoid During Your Campaigns

Alexander Pope once stated that “To err is human…” This notion makes perfect sense as mistakes are part of everyone’s life in the progress of development. We often find ourselves falling or making various mistakes, of which most of them can be rectified before they cause further damages. This is the set-piece of life because nobody is perfect, and our flaws are just a reminder of how we can turn around and make specific changes.

However, when it comes to business, there are various mistakes that, when committed, can push your company back into painful losses of up to millions of dollars and eventually break down the entire organization in a night’s stand. As much as we all make mistakes in life, some errors are capable of causing major financial damage to your business. Some of their effects tend to be irreversible. Therefore, this calls for you to make an effort in trying to avoid such errors when carrying the weight of a business on your fragile shoulders.

A familiar marketing strategy that is ordinarily susceptible to errors is known as referral marketing. This is a powerful tool in marketing that helps a business to pull in more customers or clients for them to boost their sales because these newbie customers are more likely to purchase a product or service recommended to them by a member of their circles such as family, friends, and companions. Ads might capture the attention of the customers and especially if they are designed exquisitely, but they lack the convincing power that recommendations tend to carry in them.

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If you’re searching for the “4 times effect,” it would be helpful if you went through the common mistakes that you are likely to make but aren’t aware of and the most suitable ways of avoiding them. The referral mistakes listed below are a crucial area that you should look into because committing any of them could cost you loads of time and money you may not have in case you intended to build a successful brand.

1) Settling for poor incentives

For a successful referral program, you need to ensure that the rewards offered to your customers are attractive as they are desirable. This would ensure that they are enticed to put in effort and time into filling up the necessary registration forms and, after that, share referrals to their friends and colleagues.

It’s sad to see how many businesses tend to be stingy when it comes to spending efficiently on quality incentives thinking that they can offer much more fantastic rewards even if they were to hogg a few coins. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a company or e-commerce platform when it comes to referral marketing would be to try and save a few dollars by tempting the customers with cheap and unattractive incentives.

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Try putting yourself in a customer’s shoes. Would you spend hours on end using your data plan filling in registration forms and trying to get leads for an organization that’s only going to reward you with a promotional cap or branded socks? Such referral marketing strategies are capable of pulling in close to no excitement at all with their customers.

The best thing to do would be to give in to your customers’ expectations and offer them what they may be looking for. Your rewards or incentives should be relatable to the brand and worth the customer’s time that they invest in trying to get you more leads for your various products and services.

2) Making the referral program too sophisticated

Detailed research has shown that people tend to spend less time browsing through a web page and probably even less reading emails. This means that you only have a few seconds to entice your customers with your referral program because if you happen to take more than is required to explain the details, you can be assured that the customers will lose interest and jump over to the next available brand. Web-users lack the patients of spending minutes or hours trying to read through lengthy explanations as too much information turns them off.

You should also check to ensure that your referral program isn’t too complicated for the customers to understand or handle. Making such programs too sophisticated that the customer would have to sweat it out trying to decipher the message will raise suspicions about the brand’s intentions and make it seem like you have some hidden condition in the rewarding system.

Try to keep things plain and straightforward, with the program being apparent at first glance to the customer, and you would be guaranteed of many referrals. Customers are well aware of what to expect and the right time to do so without having to struggle trying to understand the concept behind it.

3) Leaving the program on autopilot mode

The referral marketing strategy isn’t something you can just set-up and forgets in the hopes that the customers would do all the work; after all, you’re rewarding them, aren’t you? If you want the program to remain successful with every lead, you will need to actively review and revisit it because of the ever-changing trends in the market. Always ensure that your referral program is up to date, and failure to do so serves as a major waste of money.

Before you even consider implementing the program, ensure that the concerned follow-up plans needed for testing and accessing the effectiveness of the strategy are all in place.

4) Giving up too early

You may have done intense research on the program or hired some of the most adored professionals to get the referral strategy up and running, but you tend to notice that it isn’t bringing in the millions of dollars you had initially hoped for and thus, you decide to give up. This serves as one of the most absurd actions to take just because the results weren’t instantaneous.

One thing you should know when it comes to referral marketing is that such a program takes time as long as you remain consistent and persistent. It isn’t an overnight jackpot and might even take a while for the first few referrals to appear. However, you should always see it as an ongoing plan whose aim is to offer your business a steady flow of new clients.


For you to succeed with your referral marketing program, you need to avoid offering weak incentives, building a sophisticated program, setting and forgetting, and giving up too quickly. Do your best to avoid the above mistakes, and you will be guaranteed success for your program.