Novage Communication Pte Ltd

Traditional vs. Strategic Web Design

Ever-changing Web technologies present a significant challenge. No matter if you’re a Web designer or just an individual who likes to browse the Web, you’ve probably noticed these changes. Just a couple of years ago, Flash-based websites were all the rage. Today, it seems like the majority of Web designers go for an elegant and minimalistic design, with subtle hints of dynamics. The use of positive and negatives space has also changed dramatically.

However, even with all of these changes, the basics of effective Web design haven’t changed. Usability is still the most important part of every website. After all, websites are built for users, not Web designers of programmers. This is why user-centric design will never go out of style.
Aside from focusing on the user experience, Novage’s team of experts has developed a new approach, called Strategic Web Design.

Let’s take a closer look at Strategic Design, as well as how it can help you build a prolific and impressionable website.


What is Strategic Web Design?


Traditional Web design combines attractive User Interfaces (UIs) and user-centric design with different kinds of functionalities. Even though this sounds like this approach is the way to build an attractive and functional design, it often doesn’t bring needed results. On the other hand, strategic Web design tries to understand potential user groups, their habits, and expectations, as well as to integrate that knowledge into a long-turn roadmap. In simpler terms, strategic Web design is aimed at achieving your organization’s goals.


Strategic Design: Implementation


Strategic Web design consists of a series of steps. Each of these steps is aimed at retrieving feedback from users and implementing that feedback appropriately. Let’s take a look at the most important steps:

Establish Your Goals

During your first appointment with Novage’s specialists, you’ll get to determine your goals. For example, maybe you want to redesign your website and make it appealing to younger audiences; Maybe you want your website to look more professional; Finally, perhaps you want to create an interactive experience and connect with users on social media?
No matter what your goal is, our team will help you reach a clear direction.

Understand Your Audience

User-centric design is based on targeted groups of users. It’s easy to realize that a professional business website should be drastically different from a website about a video game. However, we’re not talking about color schemes, images, or fonts. Each user group comes with various traits. What this means is that a video game website can bring more ‘complications’ since gamers are usually more tech-savvy.

A user group dictates how even the smallest detail of your website should look like.

Build Upon Your Brand Image

It’s great to know all about the latest Web design trends. Even though animated cinemagraphs and bold typography are very popular at the moment, they’re not the right fit for everyone. Just like your company’s logo, your website must convey a particular message. This will dictate how serious or goofy your site should look.

Design Direction-Driven by Experts

When you reach this point, you should be clear about your website’s design direction. One of the great things about Strategic Web design is that it provides everything you need to steer your site’s design direction. Thanks to the predetermined set of requirements, Novage’s team of experts will help you sync your design decisions with your strategy – without steering away from your goals.

Keep Track of Results

Web design doesn’t stop after your website is published. Even with the hardest effort, there’s always room for improvement. Reviewing your website’s performance regarding web traffic is of the utmost importance. This can tell you how users interact with your website, as well as what are some of the problematic areas.

Continuous Maintenance

These days, it’s easy for a website to fall behind. Web technologies are rapidly changing, and Internet users are always hungry for more. This is why you need a trustful partner to keep your website up and running without a single error. Additionally, you’ll also want to include new feature of expand the existing ones. Hopefully, this will keep your website interesting and well-visited.

Don’t forget Digital Marketing

Digital marketing will bring your website to the next level which you can earn more traffic.


Simply said, strategic Web design helps you achieve more through website design. By making rational decisions based on real-world data, you’re making sure that every design decision has a purpose. Don’t just create something because it looks nice. Instead, back up your every decision with real data. This is where Novage excels, and we’ll be more than happy to help you.

Schedule a free consultation and have a chat with our specialists. Let’s see what’s the fastest and the most reliable way to achieve your goals.